Sunday, September 16, 2012

September Camp Out

The September camp out had beautiful blue skies and warm temperatures.

Once again the sunrise about 20 feet from the tent was incredible, rivaling the sunrise we had at our week long scout camp at Bear Lake.

The sunset was just as spectacular from Waikiki Beach!

We had our choice of tent camping or grass huts. But scouts are tough, so we chose tent camping just a few yards off the beach. It was awesome.

Wait a minute! Was this a scout camp???? Oh yeah, this was the scoutmaster's camp in September. I hope that when we do camp, that you decide that you really don't want to miss it, wherever it may be.

I guess it shows that your scoutmaster really does like to camp. We spent 5 of our 8 nights on the island of Oahu camping on a beach. It was awesome! Quite frankly, I enjoyed our camping on the north shore much better than our hotel near Waikiki Beach in Honolulu.

One of the days we were lucky enough to see a taste of what the winter swells bring in. First swell of the season brought out the hard core surfers and boogie boarders. Here's some boogie boards on the north shore not far from the famous Bonzi Pipeline.

We won't promise to have camp outs like the possibilities offered in Hawaii, but we can promise we will go camping a lot and  go to some of the best places Utah has to offer.

The next camp will be totally exotic, in my backyard after we have the 4th Annual Cooking Contest. Pancakes in the morning, all you can eat! Hey, I'm trying to sell this one the best I can!!!